
Shoah: the Impossible Oblivion

This well-researched work, richly illustrated, gives a brief overview of Jewish life in Europe before, during and after World War II.
On the eve of World War II, the nine million European Jews compose a diversified population: torn between tradition and modernity, seclusion and acculturation, religious observance and secularity. During the Holocaust, more than five million of them were murdered in the name of Hitler's racist ideology. Marginalization, exclusion, deportation, forced transfer and imprisonment in the ghettos were some of the numerous steps before the "Final Solution", the annihilation of “the Jewish race", cold-bloodedly and technologically developed by the Nazis. Entire convoys of men, women and children were deported to the extermination camps in “the East": Auschwitz-Birkenau, Maidanek, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. As a historian, listening to witnesses, Anne GRYNBERG analyzes the Holocaust. So that no one forgets.
Anne Grynberg, a historian who specializes in Modern Jewish History, is Professor at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) in Paris and Visiting Director of Research at the University of Paris I - Sorbonne, where she is jointly responsible for seminars on Holocaust history.

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